Code: | Result: |
mod_Outlaw <0/1> | Allows you to be an Outlaw and not get kicked off of a hunt |
game_buyItem <item> | Buy an item (it still costs you money) |
mod_fireCamSpeed <#.#> | Change Bullet Cam speed |
AppVersion | Display game information |
showPosition <0/1> | Display the X Y Z location of where you're pointing |
game_equipItem <item> | Equip with an item |
mod_AnimalFreeze <0/1> | Freeze animals |
mod_AnimalForceAnim <0/1> | Funny joke! |
mod_buyAmmo <#> | Gives you # ammo (both bullets and arrows) |
mod_buyArrows <#> | Gives you # arrows |
mod_buyBullets <#> | Gives you # bullets |
mod_addMoney <#> | Gives you # credits (won't work if you are in the Outpost building) |
godMode <0/1> | God mode |
mod_StealthMode <0/1> | Invisibility |
? | List console commands |
noClip <0/1> | No-clipping mode |
Exit | Quit the game |
mod_setTime <# #> | Set the Time of day in the game (Hours Minutes) |
mod_drawSpawnPoints <0/1> | Show spawning points |
mod_MoveToAnimal | Teleport to a nearest animal |
mod_MoveToPos <X Y Z> | Teleport to the specified coordinates |
mod_MoveToEnt <location> | Teleport to the specified location |
mod_enablefog <0/1> | Toggle fog |
mod_drawTreeStandBones <0/1> | Trees info |
mod_EndObjective <0/1> | Win the currently loaded Mission |